Friday, February 21, 2014

Potato Stamp Letter Art

I recently started working on letters and numbers with C (she will be 3 in May) she loves the alphabet and sings her version of the ABC's often. I figured since she was showing a interest in Letters we would move onto working with a specific letter every couple of days. This worked great with my oldest child, he was a pro with his letters at an early age. Pinterest did not exist when he was younger but boy am I glad its around the second time. It's such a wonderful resource for educational material and to locate wonderful blogs that are willing to share their hard work.

I have shared in the past that one of my favorite blogs is Growing a Jeweled Rose, she recently posted a fantastic list of St. Paddy's Day activities and included was a link to a blog that I instantly fell in love with! The Measured Mom she has some of the best resources for letters and I came across her dot letter work sheets. They are perfect for littles, it focuses on a specific letter and also involves the use of hand eye coordination. She suggests the use of stickers, stamps, or poms to place in the dots but since I wanted to get a little more creative with it we went with the potato stamp route. (truthfully I had a bag of potatoes that needed to be used up) we have used potato stamp art in the past and C loves it. It's such a fun and cheap activity and it brings backs memories of my days in elementary school.

Items needed:
  • Printable dot letter worksheet found on The Measured Mom Website (link provided above)
  • Potato 
  • Red paint, or whatever color your little would like
  1.  Cut out a circle about the size of the dots used on the worksheets
  2. Cut potato in half and trace your dot onto the potato half with a ball point pen. The pen mark won't show up but you can use the outline as a guide line for carving.
  3. After you have your circle traced, with a sharp knife carve around your circle 
  4.  Apply paint to your potato stamp and stamp away 
Here are some photos to provide a visual for you:

trace circle with pen

cut around your guide lines 

add paint and stamp

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