Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I'm excited to finally post about E's 7th birthday party! It's still hard to believe he turned 7 almost 2 weeks ago. His TMNT party was a big success and everyone had a great time.

When the boys arrived they were greeted with this sign. I was so happy with how the diy turtle masks turned out and to my surprise everyone wore them most of the party. Once everyone arrived we made homemade pizzas because as you know turtles love pizza! This was a hit, I let each kid roll our their own dough and add whatever pizza toppings they wanted. After pizza we let the boys run around the yard and witnessed some epic turtle battles. 

Then came the cake and presents. E loves ice cream cake, he has requested one for the past 3 years. This year I made him a Oreo Mint Ice Cream cake and it was so good! I'll have to post the recipe soon.  After cake and presents the boys were excited to set up all of E's new toys and play some games on the Kinect.

This was his first sleepover birthday party and I'm happy to say that there was no 3 am phone calls to anyone's mom and dad to come and pick them up. They were determined to pull an all nighter but made it til 2 am. It was so sweet to listen to them chat about 7 year old boy life and hear their giggles travel upstairs.

I had planned to make diy turtle ooze with them but they were all too busy having fun so I decided to save it as a solo project with E after his guests went home. This turtle ooze is so awesome and easy to make. I wrote the directions down for E and he was able to follow the steps and make it himself. He even told me this stuff is way better than the ooze you can buy in the store, mom win!

Just a warning, this stuff is made out of glue so be sure to clean up all the ooze when your little is done playing with it. If you don't you will have harden glue all over your table, I usually lay down a plastic table cloth to make clean up easy. E played with this for a while, he likes to cover all of his action figures in the ooze and watch is ooze all over the place. Also be sure to rinse off any action figures that get covered, it rinses of easily with warm water and soap.

Items needed:
  • Borax (check your local laundry section)
  • 5 oz clear school glue (we used Elmers)
  • Green and Yellow food coloring
  • water
  1. Make solution A by mixing 1 C. warm water with 1tsp. Borax in a small bowl, stir to dissolve the Borax. 
  2. Make solution B by mixing 1/2 C. water and the entire 5 oz bottle of clear school glue in a large bowl. Then stir in 2 drops of Yellow food coloring and  drops of Green food coloring. Stir it all together til you have a slimy green consistency.
  3. Then pour solution A into solution B and the ooze will appear right before your eyes. 
Store the ooze in a sealed jar.  Recipe for ooze found via Dr. Anne Helmenstein with

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